The History of BIC
BIC, a name that makes you think of reliable writing instruments, has an interesting past that goes back to 1945. That's when Marcel BICh and Edouard Buffard started the company in France. In their early beginnings, they just manufactured parts for fountain pens and mechanical pencils. But in 1950, they brought a groundbreaking innovation to the masses. They invented the first mass-made ballpoint pen called the BIC Cristal. This pen had a huge impact on writing. This pen revolutionized writing with its smooth ink flow, consistent performance, and affordability, making it an instant global success. Over the years, the company has manufactured many other products. They now make different kinds of pens, lighters, and razors. However, the pen is still what is most notable to people when they hear the name. It's a symbol of quality and usefulness.
What Are the Most Popular Promotional BIC Pens?
Check out our top-selling BIC Pens that customers like because they work well and look great. Each pen shows how this legendary name brand succeeds in making innovative quality products.
• BIC Clic Pens:
These click pens have a classic look and are easy to use making them a top pick for people who want good pens that work well. They have a simple clean design that fits in anywhere, and the click functionality works great, so you can write without worry of malfunction. Additionally, these pens are ideal for customization, making them excellent for promotional events or personal branding. Custom BIC Clic Pens aren't just for writing; they exemplify reliability and style.
• BIC Round Stic:
People love the Custom BIC Round Stic Pens because the ink flows . You'll find these pens in many offices and homes. Writers can use them for a long time without getting tired, thanks to their light weight and comfy grip.
• BIC Intensity Clic Gel Pen:
The BIC Intensity Clic Gel Promotional Pens are by far the most popular today that your guaranteed to fall in love with. They write with gel ink and have fine tips for neat writing, which is great for work or personal stuff. These pens are awesome for promoting things too. You can put logos or messages on them making them perfect for work events or gifts for clients. People like them for everyday use because they're easy to use - you can click them open and closed, and they feel good to hold. They're both handy and look nice.
• BIC 4-Color Pen:
The BIC 4 Color Pen Personalized is famous for being super handy when needing multiple colors of writing ink. You can change between black, blue, red, and green ink on the fly making it perfect for the multi-taskers.
• BIC Grip Roller Pen:
This pen is where comfort and precision meet. It's got a textured grip that makes it easy to hold onto, and the rollerball design means the ink comes out nice and smooth all the time. The fine point is great for doing detailed stuff, which is why a lot of pros who need to be accurate love using it. It's built to last and is sleek in design, so the Personalized BIC Grip Roller Pens are a solid pick for everyday use and a great choice for brand promotion.
When it comes to promotional pens BIC has created quite a few staples that have won their place as customer favorites. They mix usefulness with trustworthy workmanship. Our set has a pen to fit any job, whether it's for work stuff making art, or just regular day-to-day writing.
How to Order Custom BIC Pens?
Designing your personalized BIC pens custom logo with Save Your Ink is a seamless and exciting process, perfectly blending creativity with practicality. Follow this step-by-step guide to place an order:
1. Choose Your BIC Pen Model:
Begin by exploring our extensive selection of pen models. Each model boasts unique features, from comfortable grips and classic designs to retractable mechanisms and diverse ink types. Think about the preferences of your target audience, whether for corporate gifts, promotional items, or personal use.
2. Select Your Style and Colors:
After picking your model, delve into our variety of styles and colors. Whether you favor a traditional look or something bold, our range includes professional shades to vibrant tones, ensuring your pen aligns with your brand's identity or personal aesthetic.
3. Customize with Your Logo:
Branded BIC pens aren’t complete without your custom branding. Our customization process lets you add your logo and any additional text for instant brand recognition. Decide on the placement - on the barrel for prominence or on the clip for subtlety.
4. Ink Color and Type Selection:
Choose from various ink colors and types to match your needs. Whether you're looking for standard ballpoint ink, gel ink, or something else, select what best fits the pen’s intended use and style.
5. Additional Customization Options:
We offer further customization, including different ink qualities, grip enhancements, and unique packaging options to elevate the impact and utility of your customizable BIC pens.
6. Review and Finalize Your Design:
Once you've made your choices, we'll provide a digital proof of your custom BIC pens with logo. This step is crucial for reviewing and tweaking any details, ensuring the final product matches your vision.
7. Production and Delivery:
With your design approved, we move to production, adhering to high-quality standards to craft your order with precision. We’ll keep you updated on the timeline and ensure timely delivery to suit your needs. We offer fast delivery custom BIC pens if time is of the essence.
Throughout the process, our team at Save Your Ink is here to support and advise you. We aim to make the design journey not only straightforward but also a fulfilling creative endeavor. Leveraging our expertise with your vision, we’ll deliver an end result that truly makes a mark, while enhancing your brand or adding a unique flair to your writing essentials. Order your BIC pens with company logo today!
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